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Sun and Moon Calculator

Sun and Moon Calculator

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Developer's DescriptionBy Douglas SoftwareDisplay solar and lunar data with many other features both for the photographer and the astronomer.The Solar and Lunar database for Windows is a vital utility for photographers - or anyone who needs to know the position of the Sun and Moon from any location at any time such as lunar gardeners and fishermen. Plus a host of other unique features including lunar phase as well as the lunar distance from Earth where the Apogee is the furthest point and the Perigee is the nearest. The horizon window shows the sun and moon as they are currently in the sky. Not to mention those wonderful photo opportunities - eclipses. Forget the 'freebie' calculators and forget complex astronomical tables. The Douglas Sun and Moon calculator is designed especially for photographers. Real photographers. Everything you need for perfect timing, perfect lighting, perfect positioning around the globe. Covering over 1,600 pre-set locations in the USA, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, including latitude, longitude and time zone - or create your own database for any location on Earth.
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