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Developer's DescriptionBy Deer Creek MarketingCreate territory maps, prism graphs, chloropleth maps and more, all in the Google Earth KML format.Visualize your data in 3D. Quick, easy and inexpensive. GraphEarth enables marketing and other business professionals to create stunning visual representations of their data, all without the time and costs associated with a full-featured GIS. Create one of a kind deliverables and distribute them to the world, recipients need only install GoogleEarth to view the resulting standards compliant KML/KMZ files. Viewable by Everyone. Graph Earth produces documents in the Google Earth (KML/KMZ) format. Anyone with Google Earth installed can view your graphs by simply downloading this free application. No license of GraphEarth is required. Send your documents by email, post them on the web, anyone can view them. As simple as your favorite spreadsheet application. From the ground-up GraphEarth is designed to work like your favorite business tools. No complex GIS. No Shapefiles. No databases. No coordinate systems. Just import or enter your values and start creating stunning visuals. All the necessary geometry is already included in the application. GraphEarth currently supports visualization by country, state, county, city and zip code, with MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) and other regions coming soon. Embed 2D charts in 3D documents. GraphEarth allows you to do more than just "surface level" visualization. Embedded charts are an excellent tool to let your data tell it's story. Best of all, the user can simply close the embedded chart bubble when they are done and return the graph to a clean, simple state. No confusing, overlapping polygons here. Since this feature utilizes Google Charts, 2D objects are download only when the user needs them, reducing file sizes and transfer times.