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U.S Army Body Fat Calculator  8

U.S Army Body Fat Calculator 8

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Developer's DescriptionBy PacegrpCalculate your Body Fat Percentage with DoD mandated formula.U.S Army Body Fat Calculator for Windows 8 is a BMI Calculator uses the DoD mandated formula to calculate your Body Fat Percentage. This formula is also used by the Marine Corp, Navy, and Air force. If you are into fitness, then this is the app for you. If you are a soldier trying to make weight, and always getting tapped, then you also need this app. The app will also color code you percentage using you age and weight on a sliding scale to see if you are within your ideal weight range. The percentage number will show as red if you are overweight, and green if you are at your ideal weight our under. This app is a must have for every Army Physical Test grader and administrator.
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