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Free Meditation Timer  10

Free Meditation Timer 10

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Developer's DescriptionBy Smartphone Software DevelopmentThis free meditation timer records all of your meditation sessions.This free meditation timer records all of your meditation sessions. This allows you to make sure that you are keeping up with your meditation practice with regularity.Customize the meditation length to your liking. Don't worry about completing the full time you have chosen, if you only meditate for one minute, that will still be recorded in your meditation history. Just do your best!Try for 15 minutes of meditation each day if possible. Once you hit the start button, a relaxing gong bell will commence and conclude your meditation session.The 'Free Meditation Timer' app is brought to you be Heavenly Meditated, (, check out the website to learn how to meditate, more free apps, daily affirmations, and much more!The code for this app was developed by Erwin Rooijakkers, more information about this code base and the talented developer behind it may be found at the following address:
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