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Menstrual Calendar Free  10

Menstrual Calendar Free 10

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Developer's DescriptionBy JenSenseNow includes mense reminder.+++ now includes mense reminder. +++ The free and famous #1 menstration note including several reminders. Note every day of your period in this app. +++ new to menstrual calendar: +++ calendar view. easy to use pill-reminder. improved 'vocabulary'. offline-help. ++++++++++++ For your next appointment with the gynecologist, export each month in an Excel format and print it out of your SkyDrive documents. Update history: V1.4.1.0 - 12th of February 2014: fixed an error in mense calculation V1.4.0.1 - 11th of February 2014: bugfixing V1.4.0. 0 - 05th of February 2014: Happy new year. +++ added a mense reminder +++ bugfixing +++ design improved V1.3.0. 0 - 31st of December 2013: + Usability improved + Added functionality for adding entries aftermath + Added functionality to clear a day V1.2.0. 0 - 26th of July 2013: + added calendar view + improved usability V1.1.0.1 - 25th of June 2013: + added offline app-help + fixed bug that caused trouble selecting the desired day V1.1.0. 0: + added Feature "pill- / ring-reminder" + fixed erroneous strings + small improvements V1.0. 0.2: + Fixed missing month after the first month of use finished. new month wasn't displayed (e.g. may 2013) V1.0. 0.1: + improved erroneous strings in mainpage. For any questions or critics please E-Mail me: support@menstruationskalender. jensfrank. name.
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