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CD First Certificate Course

CD First Certificate Course

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Developer's DescriptionBy La Mansion del Ingles C.B.Prepare for the FCE test with practice tests and examples.MansionFirst is a preparation course for the Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE). It is aimed at students who have reached the level of English to take the FCE exam (see our FCE test), and who wish to practice realistic exam tasks and develop exam technique. The course prepares students for the FCE by providing thorough exam training with helpful guidance on all 5 parts of the exam. The course contains: A How To Do It section with advice and practice for all 5 parts of the exam, exam-format activities relating to all five Cambridge FCE papers, a vocabulary organization and practice section, detailed do's and don'ts on how to approach exam tasks, examples from real speaking test interviews and an examiner s analysis, exam strategies and tips for each part of the exam, extensive use of English practice, exam-based grammar revision, and five complete practice tests for the Cambridge First Certificate in English.
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