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Developer's DescriptionBy Revelation ComputingCalculator that lets you write on the screenCalcWrite is a totally different calculator. Believe it! You write numbers and mathematical operators directly onto the Palm® screen. CalcWrite displays computed results right there too. Its very cool. Your friends will be very impressed. This is the calculator the Palm was invented for. Why should our handwriting always be turned straight into text? Aren't today's computer programs capable of working directly with the numbers we write? CalcWrite is.Grab the Palm's pen and jot down a column of expenses just as you would in a diary. Now draw a line underneath them. The total appears automatically under the column, just like in a spreadsheet. By the way, the screen scrolls so you can keep going, even if you run out of space. Forgot a leading digit? No problems - just write it in its correct position and the total automatically changes. CalcWrite can accept input anywhere on the page; the order is irrelevant. A new digit needs to be squeezed between two others? Just slide them apart to make room for it. In fact, you can rearrange all the symbols of the calculation any way you want, any time - even dragging digits across the edge of the screen to trigger scrolling.
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