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Developer's DescriptionBy SofexIndiaDeal with property distribution of a deceased Muslim based on Holy Quran.It is A FULLY FREE & PRE- REGISTERED software. The WIRASAT computer software, deals with distribution of deceased's estate/ wealth as guided by the Holy Qura'n, Hadith & Muslim Personal Law. WIRASAT is unique software of its kind, first time in Asia as well as the Islamic world. As per Islamic Law of inheritance, the estate of a person, after death, is distributed among his/ her legal heirs.Those having biased opinion regarding the powers and priorities given to Muslim Women should take advantage of this software and can make a comparative study of the distribution of estate/ wealth among male and female claimants of the family.The software is for the Muslims of various sects like Shia, Sunni, Bohras and followers of all the four Imams (Hanafi, Shaafi, Maliki & Hambali). It has taken into account of most of the rules in common to all the above followers.A detailed User's Manual in pdf format has also been included to facilitate the users.SAMPLE RESULT (Extract):INPUTS:Gross Estate = 186006Funeral exp. = 5000Debts = 5000Will(s) = 26000Net Estate = 150006SHARE CLAIMANTS:Wives = 1Sons = 2Daughters = 3Grand Sons = 1Brothers (Full) = 1Consanguine Sister = 2Consang. Brother = 3Uterine Brothers = 1FINAL RESULTS CORRESSPONDING TO ABOVE INPUT:Net Estate Wealth = 150006QURANIC SHARERS (Zawil-Farooz):WIFE (1) = 18751 (1/8)DAUGHTERS (3) = 0 (0/1)BROTHER (1) = 0 (0/1)Cons. SISTER (2) = 0 (0/1)Cons. BROTHER (3) = 0 (0/1)Uter. BROTHER (1) = 0 (0/1)TOTAL Q-Shares = 18751RESIDUE (Balance) = 131255 (7/8)RESIDUARIES [ASABA'T] (Share per head):SONS (2) = 37502 (14/56)DAUGHTERS (3) = 18751 (7/56)
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