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The Bard's Tale updated demo

The Bard's Tale updated demo

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Developer's DescriptionBy InXile EntertainmentPlay magical tunes to summon creatures that help you escape a Viking burial complex.In The Bards Tale you play the role of the Bard, a vagabond with an amazing ability to play magical tunes on his musical instrument that summon up creatures to help him in his quest for coin and cleavage. You start out able to summon a lowly rat but you acquire more tunes as you progress through the game and the ability to summon more than one creature at a time as you acquire better instruments.In The Mountain Tombs chapter of the story featured in this demo, the Bard finds himself trapped in an ancient Viking burial complex. The Bard must somehow find his way out. The tomb is filled with traps that protect the burial chambers from looters and, oh, did we mention the undead Vikings?This updated demo now includes a tutorial and and improved installer.
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