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Jetboat Superchamps

Jetboat Superchamps

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Developer's DescriptionBy Small RocketsGet in the cockpit of a supercharged jet boat race against several challenging opponents.Fire up your turbo prop, blast across the crystal breakers, and blow away the competition in the sequel to this high-octane Manga-style jet-boat racer Jetboat Superchamps. You'll discover a host of hidden features on your quest for the checkered flag (see screen shot).There are smarter graphics, more tracks, more champs, and powerful new sounds, but the adrenaline thrill of powering these mighty boats remains the same. Progress through five varied tracks, including Pacific, Subway, and Fjords locations, unlocking new races as you go. Match the abilities of the champs to each course and access all the Superchamps, including the ultimate man-machine Tetsuo.
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