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Tennis Critters

Tennis Critters

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Editors' staffOctober 17, 2013With chirpy music and a slightly cheesy start page, Tennis Critters looks at first like another weak attempt to add cute cartoon characters to a mediocre sports game. Upon further review, gameplay and computer AI are both strong, especially in singles, and though it s very easy to pick up and play, subtle control nuances and a moderately challenging computer opponent create an admirable learning curve. Controls are similar to older console games. Directional buttons position your player, and two main buttons are used for top spin, slice shots, and two types of serves. Two other buttons, lob and dive, can be programmed or performed with a combination of the two main buttons. Since placement and power depend on directional input, a game controller works much better than a keyboard. The somewhat limited courses and characters (they re all chipmunks!) combine with classic 80s gameplay accompanied by graphics from the same era. All in all, numerous difficulty levels, support for four players, and a small download size add up to a hidden gem for old-school arcade sports fans.
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