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Developer's DescriptionBy Herocraftmilitary strategy gameRevival is a turn-based military strategy game in the best traditions of the world-famous game title, Civilization. You will have to explore continents, direct battles on land and sea, build towns, develop science and uphold the economy of his empire!You will have to explore continents, direct battles on land and sea, build towns, develop science and uphold the economy of his empire!Game features: The game is designed in the best traditions of Civilization Realistic strategic gameplay �?�¢�¢?�¬�¢?? turn-based tactics, resource quarrying, founding towns, upgrading buildings, land and sea battles, and even the units will gather experience! Modern economical model: you can buy and sell everything Immense game space: 7 planets, 27 continents The scenario campaign consists of 13 missions which will take not less than 40 hours to complete Very detailed tutorial with an amusing and humorous mentor Excellent artificial intelligence, adjustable difficulty levels and even allows you to battle against 7 simultaneous non-player opponents.
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