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Developer's DescriptionBy WideKnowledgethird-installment package of the solitaire gameThe third-installment package of the famous solitaire game. Yet another card game that comes with a wide variety of one- and two-deck type to choose from.Features : PalmOS 2.0 to PalmOS 5.0.x Compatibility.Supports low- and high- resolution devices.A hint logic feature that gives the best move out of all possible moves.supports unlimited Undo on a game.View of statistics on all games.Supports a left- and right- handed layout for card placements.Supports table pattern background.Gives you the option to select whether to play on a graphical suit or just plain suit.(Good for slow devices.)Option to set to black and white mode.(Good for low-resolution/black & white scale devices.) Has an option to display a card number counter for you to be reminded on the number of remaining cards to deal.Has options for you to customized your shortcut keys.Supports color selections for background table.Supports color selections for cards.Added a random song if you feel lonely.Supports 160x160, 320x320, 320x480Supports landscape and portrait.