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Developer's DescriptionBy Labor CoachPlay a 3D chess game.3D Chess is Palm OS game that will challenge your chess skills. It is a 3D chess variant, which allows normal chess pieces to move in 3 dimensions (3 levels) on normal 8x8 game boards. All other chess rules remain the same, and the object is to checkmate the other player's king. See the user's guide for complete details. Support for all color Palm OS devices from OS ver. 3. 1 and later Multiple player modes, including 2 player, player vs. an IR player, and player vs. the Computer Multiple computer levels from beginner to advanced. Understands all Chess rules such as en passant captures, draw by repitition and the 50 move rule, etc. Multiple views to that you can view all three boards at once, or focus in on one of the levels. Full undo and redo of moves. Show last move. Show all legal moves. Show what pieces can get to a specific location. Ability to display piece names to help beginners. Ability to setup a game and place pieces exactly where you want them. Ability to start both players on any level. Ability to save a game and load back later. A robust user's guide. FREE unlimited upgrades to newer versions.