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Plant Tycoon

Plant Tycoon

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Developer's DescriptionBy Last Day of Workfish breeding sim gameFish Tycoon is a fish breeding sim game where you breed and care for exotic fish in a true real-time virtual aquarium.The object of this fish game is to discover the 7 MAGIC FISH of ISOLA and restore the island to its former glory.You start with a small selection of fish, some money and a tank. You must breed them, care for them, help them grow, and cure them if they get sick. Along the way you can buy supplies, medicine, research technologies or invest in advertisement to enable you to discover rarer and rarer species until you find the Magic Fish. All of this will be financed by selling exotic hybrids in your shop.The game runs in TRUE REAL-TIME, so that if your device is turned off or you exit the game, hours later small fish will have grown larger and new surprises await you.
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