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Developer's DescriptionBy ZigZag.Softshape matching puzzle gameAn exciting and entertaining shape-matching game with increasing difficulty and speed as you progress through the game.Mystery shapes help or hinder your progress and Bombs let you blow up columns!See if you can get the highest score on the High Score TableYou have to keep your wits about you and play fast and smart.More colourful shapes appear as you progress through the levels. Just watch out for the Blockers!Features: 1. Fun puzzle game 2. Bonus levels 3. Astraware Aurora audio engine 4. Background music and digitised sound fx (on OS 5+ & some Sony devices) 5. High Score Table (compete against friends and family) 6. Hires 3d rendered graphics for 320x320 high density PalmOS devices (Sony devices may only see 160x160) 7. Support for OS 3.5 and above colour devices
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