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CrazyBall ( JezzBall)

CrazyBall ( JezzBall)

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Developer's DescriptionBy RudraSoftAuthentic clone of Jezzball for you PalmIf you have played Jezzball for PC then you are already familiar with the game. Crazyball is rated as a Good Palm game. Rated 5 star at Palmgear, Handango and Tucows and is one of the TOP 50 most downloaded game at Palmgear Trap the furiously moving crazyballs in the smallest possible chamber. Simple and easy concept but highly addictive. Just tap anywhere to create a wall. Playing is easy but mastering it requires lots of practice. Building tubes and one direction tunnel are some of the strategies used and required to play at higher level. Can you imagine your screen with over 50 crazyballs furiously bouncing around with each other, the time is ticking and you have no place to TAP!
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