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Developer's DescriptionBy PalmPrimedWords & numbers gameInspired by a television quiz show, WordsPlus is a words & numbers game comprising of nine challenging rounds of letters games, numbers games & a final deciding conundrum. Letters Round - find the longest word you can from the nine randomly selected consonants & vowels. Numbers Round - using six random numbers & four mathematical operators, your aim is to reach the random generated target number. Final Conundrum - a randomly generated nine-lettered word is scrambled before the clock starts. The first person to stop the clock with the correct answer wins the round. Each round begins after a player selects random vowels/consonants or small/large numbers. You have a maximum of thirty seconds to formulate your best answer, with the winner of each round obtaining the points. There are four levels of computer opponent, each becoming increasingly difficult to beat. Too many word games on the market are easy to beat, so I decided to make the fourth "genius" level virtually impossible. Here are some of the game features: 20,000 word dictionary (44,000 available to registered users). 4 levels of computer opponent. colour support (minimal with this release). Please visit my web-site for further details, planned updates etc.
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