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Senet Deluxe

Senet Deluxe

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Developer's DescriptionBy RoGame Softwareegyptian backgammon game ancient boardIf you like Backgammon, you have to try this! Senet is an ancient Egyptian race game and probably the ancestor of our modern backgammon. The oldest known form of the game is shown in a painting from the tomb of Hesy (circa 2686-2613 BCE). This is the first Palm implementation of this game. Give it a try if you are into board or strategy games - specially if you own a Palm OS 5 capable device. The online help will enable you to learn quickly how to play Senet, but more detailed instructions are included in PDF format. While the game looks deceptively easy, there are many strategic decisions to make. Go back to the roots and play Backgammon the way it was done for thousands of years! Beautifully rendered Animated Great Game engine Palm OS 5 enhanced
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