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Mobli Basylonia (Prism color)

Mobli Basylonia (Prism color)

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Developer's DescriptionBy MobliPlay a role-playing game for your color Prism.In the tradition of the PC game Diablo(TM), Basylonia is a role-playing game for the Palm OS that pits you against the guardians of a cursed kingdom. Are you brave enough to battle the forces of evil? Will you risk your life to restore the land to its once noble status? Then welcome to the world of Basylonia! Speak with the locals, stock up on food, supplies and weapons, then set out on your quest.Basylonia represents the finest in RPG artistry and technology, including:Wonderful, full-screen, 256 color graphics A huge scale with 20,480 screens Auto-World Creation System Various monsters with excellent Artificial Intelligence Soft animation with a choice of eight characters Splendid magic special effects Fierce battles against countless enemies Item trade through infrared-ray communication
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