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Wild Ball Keno

Wild Ball Keno

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Developer's DescriptionBy SafetynetJust like the casino version with a twistWild Ball Keno is very similar to the video keno games found in many casinos. You can select from one-to-ten spots (squares) from the 80 available. You can also bet from one-to-ten credit per game. Once you have selected your spots and placed your bet, click on the Start/Repeat button to start the game. 20 of 80 possible balls will fall to the right-hand side of the screen. When the numbers on the balls match the spots you have selected, those spots will flash. You can also keep and eye on the top of the Wild Ball Keno window to view your "Hits." Hits are the number of spots you selected that match the balls. The more hits you get, the higher the payoff. When you have selected a large number of spots, you need a larger number of hits to win than when you select a small number of spots.
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