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RYL - Risk Your Life (Portuguese)

RYL - Risk Your Life (Portuguese)

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Developer's DescriptionBy GNNDesign your own character and fight your way through several quests and fantasy worlds.Risk Your Life is one of the few MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) that bring you an online Virtual reality atmosphere that is both completely interactive and immersive. RYL is a well-balanced MMORPG developed under a 3D environment that allows players to create their own character, define its role, and do battle with it in a virtual world. All-new Quest-based mission system, which will provide more than 200 quests within the game. Maximum game resolution has been increased from 800 x 600 to a maximum of 1600 x 1200 to give you an even more detailed look at the world of RYL. Advanced real time 3D and weather/environment effects give you a realistic feel of an amazing fantasy world. Besides, it has new advance UI (user interface). Version 1.4 updated the number of monsters at the river location.
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