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First Star Online Stratics

First Star Online Stratics

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Developer's DescriptionBy UnFun GamesCreate your own fighter and compete in a gladiator arena.First Star Online Stratics is the world's first strategic party-based MMORPG. Build up your party of hirelings knights, alchemists, ninjas, rangers, wizards, necromancers, barbarians and dozens of other classes. Compete against other players, with up to 58 hirelings in a single battle. Compete in the gladiator arena to build up your reputation, or attempt to take a fortress from a rival guild. You do not need to register First Star Online Stratics to play. It is a free to play MMORPG. However, paid users will be allowed to broadcast messages to the entire server, send game mail, rent houses/guild halls, start guilds, and have their choice of a special item immediately added to their character.
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