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Jack of All Trades

Jack of All Trades

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Editors' staffDecember 23, 2009Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of--space whiskey? Piracy is one possible career path in Jack of All Trades, wherein you play a freelance star pilot in the middle of a galactic war zone. You fly from system to system, buying low, selling high, and carrying out missions for the highest bidder. Obey the law or turn pirate--the choice is up to you. We're suckers for the well-worn formula, but are less thrilled with the game itself. The sound effects and two-dimensional graphics are just adequate, and combat involves little more than spinning around spewing laser beams and missiles. The one-hop-at-a-time hyperspace system quickly becomes tedious, too. On top of that, the game gives you only a handful of customization options, including the ability to adjust the game volume and reconfigure the control keys. It's an ambitious effort, but like most jacks-of-all-trades, this one is more impressive for how many things it does than how well it does them.
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