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Developer's DescriptionBy MRSOFTPlay a trick-taking card game.Batak is a trick-taking card game similar to Oh Hell. The game is developed in .NET and it has a simulation based game egine. This game engine provides a powerfull artificial intellegance and level of intellegance is also adjustable. These are the most prominent features of the game.Features:- Excellent adjustable artificial intellegance; - Recommend card option; - Undo, load and save game features; - Changable card deck; - Animation when collecting cards; - Cheat option;Game Rules: Trump suit is always Spades. The object is to take at least the number of tricks or maximum two more that were bid before play of the hand began. If each player can't meet the number or take three more tricks than they declared, they get busted. Players can also bid nil and get 50 points if they don't take any tricks.