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Black Dragon

Black Dragon

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Editors' staffJune 15, 2015This mediocre variant of the classic Chinese tile game mah-jongg presents players with stacks of colored tiles, each decorated with one of several shapes. The object of Black Dragon is to remove the topmost tiles four at a time, matching shapes and colors whenever possible. The game awards bonus points for snagging four black dragons or four orange frogs. That's about it. You can select from several game boards, and minimal graphics and sound effects dress up the gameplay a bit. A gong signals the start of a game. A surly-looking dragon behind the board rolls his eyes and snorts at good moves. Frustratingly, the nonregistered version of the game lets you remove only 28 tiles, not nearly enough to finish a round. Adding insult to injury, the game slaps a shortcut on your desktop without asking. There are better tile games out there. Pass this one by.
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