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The War In Heaven demo

The War In Heaven demo

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Developer's DescriptionBy ValuSoftCombines fast-paced combat action with uncompromising Christian values.The War in Heaven is a 3D action game that combines fast-paced combat action with uncompromising Christian values. Designed and produced by two professional game developers who openly acknowledge Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, The War In Heaven was created to provide an exciting alternative to the spiritually dark and blood-drenched games that are so popular today among teenage and adult gamers. Personal choice is the defining feature of the game. The story is set at the time of Lucifer's rebellion against God. The player takes the role of an angel and decides whether to obediently serve the Almighty as one of the Divine Host, or to join the rebellion and fight in the legions of the Fallen. Each of The War in Heaven's 12 levels incorporates a distinct Biblical lesson relating to the consequences of following the Divine path of Obedience or the Fallen path of Knowledge. Important spiritual truths such as Fear Of The Lord and Righteousness are revealed in between furious battles with the angels of the opposing side. The game features a state-of-the-art, non-Euclidean, portal-based engine and 14 distinct types of angels, 7 Fallen, 7 Divine. Divine angels are armed with five weapons to bear against the Foe, while the Fallen are equipped with five different weapons with which to wreak havoc upon the forces of Heaven. The path of Obedience is hard, but true, and while there are rewards to be found upon the Fallen path of Knowledge, evil ultimately demands its own reward.
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