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Klingon Honor Guard demo

Klingon Honor Guard demo

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Developer's DescriptionBy MicroProseFind who assassinated a Klingon leader in this Unreal-engine-based 3D game.While your character is training for induction to the Klingon Honor Guard, an assassination attempt is made on Gowron, the leader of the Klingon High Council. A bomb has exploded in the High Council chamber, killing several members of the High Council, the Honor Guard, and seriously injuring Gowron. Gowron orders you to active duty in order to pursue the criminals to their safe house in the Klingon Capital City. This is only the beginning...failure is death. This game utilizes the Unreal engine while using storylines, characters, ten weapons, and settings from the Star Trek: The Next Generation television show. Explore 19 huge missions set in seven unique 3D worlds, including the Klingon Bird of Prey, Rura Penthe Prison, and Tong Vey City. Deathmatch or cooperative missions are available, or you can generate your own holodeck environments and play over the Internet.
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