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Ally's Adventure Through the Glass

Ally's Adventure Through the Glass

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Editors' staffJune 15, 2015Not to be confused with that other through-the-looking-glass tale, Ally's Adventure Through the Glass puts you in the shoes of a young girl who enters the Mirror World, a magical place inhabited by talking plants, kindly alpacas, and ensorcelled ponies. Gameplay is extremely simple, but a bit frustrating. Each location is a static scene that blends photography with charming digital art. The cursor changes when it passes over an exit or a usable object. However, these are often invisible, and you'll end up clicking blindly on the screen to find everything. You'll encounter various puzzles, whose solutions are often quite illogical, at least to an adult's way of thinking. Luckily, the publisher provides a walk-through on its Web site. Ally's Adventure Through the Glass is definitely for parents to play with young children. But we wonder how many children will have the patience to sit through more than the demo's one level.
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