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Glory Zone

Glory Zone

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Editors' staffJune 15, 2015A modern take on the classic coin-op Galaga, Glory Zone updates the original with improved sound and graphics and a few twists. The basic gameplay is the same: you move your spaceship left and right at the bottom of the screen, dodging and blasting aliens that mass at the top and wheel down to attack. Even Galaga's shooting-gallery intermissions have survived. However, Glory Zone adds some welcome innovations, such as shielded opponents and a variety of power-ups. Colorful OpenGL graphics and effective DirectX sound add pizzazz, as does the subtle 3D perspective. The most unusual feature is an embedded MP3 player that lets you provide your own background music. The keyboard controls are adequate, though we wish you could control your ship with the mouse. However, even with the keyboard, veteran gamers won't have much trouble with the eight-round demo. This is for arcade nostalgists only.
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