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Developer's DescriptionBy Myrtilus EntertainmentExperience all the difficulties of an author, who is trying to release his books.During the writing process you can choose from 9 different genres (Action/Adventure, Crime, Erotica, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Science Fiction, Thriller or Western), 2 categories (Fiction or Non-Fiction), and select from 8 different book types (including Autobiography, Biography, Novel, Screenplay, Short Story, Comic Book (Adaptation), Film/TV (Adaptation), or Video Game (Adaptation)). Also on hand is the ability to select how much time goes into writing different areas of your book. Whether that be the book structure (Beginning/Setup, Climax or Resolution) or the book's focus points (including Depth/Detail, Story Pace, and Plot). Also included is the ability to create sequels to your books, name and enter book descriptions, as well as work on mass work compilation projects.
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