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RYL2: Incomplete Union (MY) Patch

RYL2: Incomplete Union (MY) Patch

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Developer's DescriptionBy CiB Net StationFix major bugs in Risk Your Life and add new features.RYL 2 : Incomplete Union introduces the ability to fight alongside the opposing race as a clan against other clans or guilds. Players will have the chance to build structures and build their own community and village. Some structures have the ability to automatically attack enemy player characters. Each community will have its own sphere of influence where enemy players will be attacked should they wander in too close. RYL 2 also introduces several new vehicles, which can be piloted by players in the game. These include an airship capable of transporting several characters at any one time. Also introduced are siege machines including catapults and battering rams. These can be used to attack opposing guild buildings during guild wars. There are now 3 main factions in RYL, the Merkhadians, Kartefants and a new faction consisting of both races known as the 'Third Party' or 'Almight Pirate Crew'. Players will now have to chance to duke it out with players of their own race. Version 1227 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.
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