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3DRT Pinball

3DRT Pinball

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Editors' staffJune 15, 2015For the most part, this program realistically simulates a pinball table. We're glad to say 3DRT Pinball is a snap to control; you use the down arrow to launch the ball and mouse buttons to operate the flippers. In terms of graphics, the application mostly delivers, although the dark-color table in the trial version sometimes makes it tough to see the ball. However, we can't complain about the gameplay, as the physics of the ball and the sound of the flippers made us feel just like we were in an arcade. Like a real pinball machine, 3DRT Pinball lets you lock balls, but we wished it notified you when you did so; at first, we couldn't figure out where our ball went and assumed the game had frozen up. The trial version disables some of the more advanced user-customization options but still lets you adjust the volume and tweak the table's glow, reflection, and dithering. Pinball addicts who are tired of pumping quarters into machines should enjoy this virtual version.
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