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Editors' staffOctober 12, 2013This game is a reworking of Lines, in which you form a row of three rocks of the same color to make them disappear. You have to clear a volcano of these rocks before it overflows. You click on the plungers at the bottom of the screen to push up the line of balls. Each push pops in a new ball at the bottom of the row. When the row is up as far as it can go, you can no longer push the plunger. The green meter on the left shows how far you have to go before you win, and the red meter on the right shows how close you are to losing. Volcano really makes you think hard before you make a move. It's not always obvious why some groups of spheres will disappear and some won't, though, which can be frustrating. Also, the demo cuts off after a half hour of play. You can immediately restart the game if you haven't played 10 times yet, but the interruption can throw off your flow. Playing against time or in Puzzle mode increases the challenge. Fans of puzzle games may really enjoy Volcano.
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