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PickNick the Game

PickNick the Game

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Developer's DescriptionBy Arctic CreationsCommand your army of battle ants, and fight against the enemy.Use an array of Jeeps, Tanks, Catapults, Artillery,Mortars,PatrolBoats,Raptor Jets, and Hueys to attack the enemy! Then build your defenses using canon, anti-aircraft guns, and Bubbly Wubblys to protect your AntHill Base from the attackers! Fight using an army of bazooka men, flamethrowers, grenadiers, and infantry, or wreck havoc with the Mean Juice! Command your own platoon or entire division of army ants! (Note: Please remember to run the xnafx40_redist.msi install before running the Setup.exe for install. They are both included on the cd/zip.)
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