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Dark Archon Invasion

Dark Archon Invasion

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Developer's DescriptionBy BC SoftPlay as a member of the army and save the Earth.Dark Archon Invasion takes the world of Dark Archon one step further. After their planet is destroyed they come to Earth in search of a new home, dragging Earth into the conflict for survival. Packed with tons of action, brilliant 3D graphics and a guitar driven sound-track, Dark Archon Invasion takes the Dark Archon conflict further than it's ever gone before. Play as any of the races as a member of the army. Worth with your fellow pilots to survive the onslaught or die alone as you try to do it by yourself. Dark Archon Invasion requires players to learn to play with their allies instead of being an army of one. Working together with your fleet you will find ultimate success and fun. 1 Race in survival and 2 races in story mode.
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