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Adoption Kit demo for Catz II

Adoption Kit demo for Catz II

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Developer's DescriptionBy PF.MagicAdopt a cyberkitten for your computer desktop.Catz II is a great way to adopt a kitten if you're in a situation in which bringing home a real feline might cause domestic strife. This follow-up to PF.Magic's entertaining virtual pet program Catz offers even more breeds, toys, and other goodies. Better sound effects and a vastly improved AI program create close imitations of real cats: they're curious, shy, friendly, haughty, and independent. And just like a real kitty, you'll need to provide food, water, and lots of love to make sure your adopted furball thrives. If you're the owner of Dogz II, the canine half of this cyberpet series, your adopted pets can now play with each other.
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