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Developer's DescriptionBy Poker Pro LabsTrack your opponent and compute your odds.Poker Pro 2007 is the industry's most advanced online poker tool advisor. Use the player tracking, action monitoring, chance of winning, pot odds and other great features to take advantage of your opponents. Best of all you can have this information overlaid right on your poker table. Poker Pro 2007 captures data for you in real-time so no input is required. The included poker calculator gives your odds of hitting a particular hand or to keep track of your opponents, have a game plan for every hand. The online poker advisor automatically advises whether to raise, fold, bluff, slow-play, or check-raise. Poker Pro 2007 captures all of the information about the poker game in real-time, including your cards, position, betting activity, pot odds, odds of winning and the number of players at the table. Poker Pro 2007 is designed for hold'em Poker Limit, hold'em no-limit and hold'em tournament play and currently supports major online poker sites. Version 5.5 includes the No Limit module, enhancements and bug fixes.