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X-COM: Interceptor demo

X-COM: Interceptor demo

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Developer's DescriptionBy MicroProseBattle swarms of alien fighters in real time in a dynamic, 3D universe.Those of you who are familiar with the X-Com series might be surprised to find out that there are some big changes this time around, the biggest being that X-Com has left earth and taken to the stars to fight the alien threat. You in charge of managing star bases and hopping right into the cockpit of an X-Com fighter craft where you'll go head to head with the alien menace. In the demo, you'll have things relatively easy. You'll be able to have a look at all the strategy screens where you'll manage your bases, perform your research, and so on in the actual game; but then you need full concentration on flying your interceptor in combat. The game supports 3D acceleration.
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