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Star Ball

Star Ball

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Editors' staffAugust 24, 2015Although its gameplay is more or less traditional, this Arkanoid remake offers several pluses that make it a worthy download. As in all games of this ilk, your goal in Star Ball is to break all the bricks on the screen, while collecting various power-ups, such as fireballs, aqua balls, and missiles. At first, we thought the meteors flying across the screen could destroy our paddle, but we soon found out they exist solely to distract you. Still, this remake is more challenging than many Breakout games we've played since the wall of bricks occasionally fires rockets that can cost you a life. Star Ball's graphics and sound effects are both acceptable, and we appreciated the number of available configuration options. For example, you can adjust the screen brightness, the graphic quality, the sound volume, and the paddle sensitivity. While it's by no means groundbreaking, this game will certainly please experienced fans of the genre, especially since it's free.
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