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YAM II Return of the Killer Potato

YAM II Return of the Killer Potato

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Developer's DescriptionBy jaladaSave Yam's homeland from space invaders on the screen in 3D.YAM II Return of the Killer Potato takes place a short time after the end of the previous installment, Yam the Killer Potato. With the apparent defeat of the enemy leader, Galdov, the Potatos have regained their confidence in winning the war and have uncovered a secret hidden on their own homeworld. Four Crystals known as the Fire, Time, Space and Reality Crystals were being hunted by the alien invaders. However thanks to the bravery of a Potato called Yam the Crystals were kept out of enemy hands.Key features Explore and battle in full 3D environments, use and acquire multiple weapons (uzis, shotguns, grenades), fight familiar enemies - Assimilated Potatos, Eye Droids, Spider Potatos, Sentry Guns, auto targeting enables you to maintain a lock on enemies whilst dodging around, optional blood and gore, and Boss Battles.
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