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Developer's DescriptionBy Bear CubHelp X-Creature to beat the wizard.X-Creature is a delightful, 14 level platform game with original graphics, very cool music and sound. It has a save feature so that you don't have to start from level one every time you play and it also records your high scores. Story: A bad spell was cast on X-Planet by a bad wizard, who is called The Mustard. This spell turned all the creatures on the planet to comatose. The wizard sent to X-Planet, his bad and hostile slaves to take it over. This spell didn't work on the young X-Creature (who lives on X-Planet) because he had just returned to the planet from a visit with his spaceship immediately after the spell was cast. Goal: You must help X-Creature to pass all the obstacles in the way to The Mustard, beat him and make sure the spell will cancel.