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Eat My Dust demo, small version

Eat My Dust demo, small version

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Developer's DescriptionBy Davidson & AssociatesJoin in a road race with quarky, colorful opponents.Feel the need for speed? Ready to thrash the competition? Park your ego behind the wheel for pulse-pounding, 3D road racing like you ve never experienced before. Outrageous cars, crazy characters, wicked driving conditions, and low-down, dirty tricks are the rules of the road. So gear up and get ready to outsmart your opponent in a mind-blowing road race. The game features a 3D racing environment, free head-to-head play via the Internet, four racing environments including Alien Asteroid, Bleach Bone Gulch, Country Challenge, and Super Speedway. This demo is limited to one track, one character, and one car, and it does not include the introductory video.
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