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MR PallaKiller

MR PallaKiller

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Developer's DescriptionBy Mauro RillaDestroy all the objects on the screen.You have to destroy all the objects on the screen. In order to destroy them you need at least 3 similar objects together. The quantity of points that you can get depends of the number of object that you destroy toghether. When you destroy more than 8 items toghether you win a Bomb. When you start a game you have some bombs depending of the level, a bomb permits to destroy a single object. In the demo version you have only 1 level with easy difficult. In the complete version there a 9 different worlds, each world has 9 different levels. From easy to difficult. You can play in 3 different ways: Easy version, Story mode and random mode. The program also memorize your records. Version 1.2 change license type to freeware.
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