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Editors' ReviewDownload.com staffJuly 15, 2015Despite some imperfections in gameplay and graphics, this arcade-style game provides a fast-paced experience. In Lode Doomer, you must navigate a series or platforms via ladders and ropes to disable all the bombs on the board. However, your enemies are in constant pursuit, so you have to keep moving at all times. We find it curious that your character can't jump, though you can break bricks out of walls to maneuver your way out of tight spots. We also wish we had a weapon so we could aggressively defend ourselves against our foes. Lode Doomer's graphics are a mixed bag; the background scenery is nicely done, but all characters are quite tiny, which often makes it tough to follow the action. Despite its simplicity, this program offers a decent challenge, as all bombs reappear on a level each time you die, forcing you to start from scratch. Still, we would have appreciated more features and additional levels beyond the five found in the demo. Nevertheless, fans of platform-style games might find Lode Doomer worth a run or two.