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Developer's DescriptionBy Adam PicconeLearn to count cards in your head while playing blackjack.Learn to play Blackjack by the book and to count cards. The computer will automatically make recommendations for when to Stand, Hit, Split, or Double Down according to Basic Strategy play. Also, you can practice counting cards according to any one of 16 widely used, pre-set card counting methods, or use your own custom method. The program will show you the count value of each card as it is dealt, keep count totals, and calculate the true count by considering the number of decks remaining to be dealt. This program will prepare you for any situation you would encounter in a live game: choose from one to seven decks, play from one to seven hands, Split and Re-Split any pair up to four times per hand, Double Down on any two cards, take Insurance (or Even Money) against the dealer s Ace, or even sit back and just count cards while the computer plays itself. Perfect for beginners and seasoned experts alike.