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Return Fire 2 3Dfx demo

Return Fire 2 3Dfx demo

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Developer's DescriptionBy Ripcord GamesTry your hand at all-out war in this combat game.You are hereby under direct command to prepare for active duty in Return Fire 2. Intelligence reports indicate that groups of up to 16 different enemy strike teams have mobilized and are preparing an assault on headquarters. They will attack you in the air, by land, and by sea, via the Internet or direct game station linkup. Your mission: Infiltrate your enemy's bases, locate the hidden flag, and return to base unharmed. During your campaigns, you will be expected to acquire and deploy a large arsenal of weapons, including mines and missiles, and you will encounter more than 50 different maps to challenge you in this intense combat experience. Here are some nifty screenshots. This version requires a 3Dfx card; if you don't have one, use the link below to download the software-rendered version. Note: To download this file, you'll first download a small 86K executable which then delivers the whole file to your hard drive.
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