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Developer's DescriptionBy Acclaim EntertainmentRace and do stunts high above futuristic cityscapes and prove your athletic worth.Toward the end of the 21st century, the world underwent a dramatic change. Many thought it was just a natural process, a consequence of the ecological ignorance of the 20th century. They couldn't have been more wrong. In the year 2099, the biblical prophecy of Armageddon began. Hostilities between the nations of the world began to intensify astronomically. World War III (a.k.a. the Dominance War), the war for technological supremacy, would soon begin . But throughout the bloodshed and carnage of the Dominance War, the real powers of the world--not governmental organizations, but international conglomerates that controlled almost every aspect of society--had a plan to stave off the inevitable genocide of the planet. The plan was to force the world out of its current tailspin and drag it into a new age, the Reconstructive Age. From the ashes of the Dominance War, a new society was born. Race high above futuristic cityscapes on state-of-the-art hoverboards. Notable qualities in TrickStyle are its physics engine and character animation. Accurate collision spheres allow for true character interaction and stunt-based racing. TrickStyle's node-based track design allows for multiple routes through each of the courses, enhancing replay value.
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