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Bluetooth comm Pro  10

Bluetooth comm Pro 10

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Developer's DescriptionBy Lacko LuboslavApplication allows you to test communication with device that uses Bluetooth profiles built on the RFCOMM protocol, for example "hobby" devices connected through Bluetooth to UART module RN-42, Arduino boards, GPS, health, meteo.Application allows you to test communication with device that uses Bluetooth profiles built on the RFCOMM protocol, for example "hobby" devices connected through Bluetooth to UART module RN-42, Arduino boards, GPS, health, meteo.devices. You can test device functionality and send bytes for device parameters setting. Bluetooth Classic and Bluetooth Smart devices must be first discovered and paired via the Windows 8.1 PC settings UI (PC & devices>Bluetooth) before being accessible via the Windows Runtime APIs for Bluetooth. This PRO edition allows switch text (ASCII) and hexadecimal output and allows save output to text files.
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