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Australian Rules Football Scoreboard

Australian Rules Football Scoreboard

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Developer's DescriptionBy Aussie ScoreboardsTransform your PC into an advanced scoreboard for Australian Rules Football.Use our Australian Rules Football Scoreboard along with the computer and display you already have to transform your PC into an advanced scoreboard for Australian Rules Football. The scoreboard features a simple to use mouse and keyboard interface, allowing for easy control of all functions of the computer scoreboard.Features:Easily accessible full screen mode.Optional secondary control screen.Click and type interface for easy control.Fully customizable scoreboard colors.Customizable team names for easy identification.High visibility LED digits.Clean and simple design allows for easy reading by spectators.Fits most monitors by adjusting to different display resolutions.Portable USB key allows you to quickly and easily move registration between computers.Includes:Running time;Team goals, behinds, and total score;Team names;Team logos;Current quarter;Time of day;Period time.Scrolling Message:Scroll your own custom message across the scoreboard display. Adjust the speed of the message movement across the display.Slideshow:Display your own PowerPoint slideshow on the scoreboard display. Switch between showing the slideshow and the scoreboard as needed.Web Remote:The optional web remote feature allows you to control most information on the scoreboard from most any device that has a web browser, including an iPad, iPod, tablet, e-reader, smart phone, netbook, or tablet. After enabling the feature, you simply browse to the URL listed in the options. There you can tap buttons to change scores, control the game clock, set the quarter, and more.Key Options:Customizable keys make controlling the scoreboard quick and easy.Color Options:Easy to use options allow you to customize every color to match your team's colors.Team Options:Home and visitor team names can be customized, and team logos can be displayed.
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